Transformer & Capacitor Manufacturers
Transformer Repairers
Transformer Owners, Electricity Distributors
Filtration Service Providers
Machine such as presses, rubber proccessing, earth movers, etc.
Oil filtration service providers
Lube oil producers & users
All electrical stators, rotor & armature manufacturers
Electrical motor manufacturers
Auto electrical manufacturers
AR Engineering is a company founded by Mr. Arvind Mutalik in 1988, for manufacturing of transformer oil filtration machines. Since then AR Engineering has developed different types of Insulating Oil upgrading systems suitable for in-house and onsite operation. The plants are suitable for Transformer & Capacitor Manufacturers, Transformer Repairers, Transformer Owners, Oil filtration service providers etc. These plants work on low temperature, high vacuum principle.
We also developed Trickle Impregnating Machines for varnishing of electrical machines windings such as armatures, rotors, field coils, stators. These machines are suitable for varnishing of electrical windings in mass production. Auto electrical parts, mixers, fans, electrical motors, Instrument transformers etc. are few to name.
Our products are designed to suit specific requirements of customers
Our plants / machines are with minimum and easy maintenance.
Low operating costs due to adaptation of latest technology.
Our main aim is total customer satisfaction.
L - 77, Additional M.I.D.C.,
Satara - 415004, (India)
Tel. No. : +91 - 2162 - 240384, 240385
Mobile :+91 - 98223 93556, 94226 05890
Designed By 360 SME Solutions